i wish i could make that face...
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Well my Birthday is coming up Wahoo! my theme this year is.... DonKnotts! <3 HOTTIE!!!!
i just said that to mock the "cool girls" out there.... Anyway... i am really happy but i have to wait another 9 days! i cant wait...
so seeya ...
i just said that to mock the "cool girls" out there.... Anyway... i am really happy but i have to wait another 9 days! i cant wait...
Monday, December 5, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Don't you just love the way the Christmas tree glows at night? mostly on Christmas eve night! but that's when know one is awake....00 OK so i need to stop making it sound like a story! i know you kind of people who just say to yourself oh I'm just looking at this blog not gonna follow or nothing.... well you know what REALLY brights up my day? comments from you people.i love talking to you so please comment,follow.... its not like I'm pleading or anything... but yeah. Have a merry Christmas!.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
icarly....... ;)
Friday, February 25, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Hey guys, so sorry so lond of a time! but i had a fun weekend how about you?????? :) i hope so and have a great valentines day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, January 14, 2011
PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TELL ALL YOUR FREINDS AND FAMILY TO FOLLOW THIS BLOG I NEED MORE PPL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Thanks. guys but i feel kinda down so i wont be posting for a while cusse i just am soooooo busy and stuff. :(
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Random things.
hellopeople. how are you. tell me about ur day. what did you have for dinner. are you the reading tipe or the movie tipe.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Hi ppls should i keep my blog it stinks to not have mch followers
Thursday, January 6, 2011
YUCK steps of life,. ;()
Uh if any of you are in the age of um lets seeee here 8-9-10 then you will be thinking ummmmm life how it Works is kinda grosss Like if you see your faimly members or your freinds or that thing in your head that wont go away YOU are more like me it started 2009 It was around the time it was time to Know a bigger step to Life and you made the face of your eyes pooped out and mouth dropped open with your tung sticking out from the Gross Step and you Say thats! sick!. well when you are older have a car a dream boy and you feel like a princess Tell me about it it sound great right, Well when you are married have a job and kid crying and making a mess and husbend trying to do the best he can. you have no you time so be greatfull while your young and injoy life i mean when your your age you have smooth skin but in a copple years when you are i dont know 14 15? you will have pimmples all over your face and you will be going thru changes. i am sooooo thank full i only know a copple gross things about life. i am sorry mom i should of noun i was wrong about that pic on facebook. 0-0 i am kinda right tho cusse no wonder he kepts on geting thrown off kinda inapproaret.0-0
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
PLEASE someone
post veds or music veds on there Blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi guys do you think i should post things about taylor swift or other clebs
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Everybody guess what my grandma was in the hosbaital but now she is at home felling a little better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I miss her sooooo much she lives 6 hours away.
Tessa kept on taking my taffys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok ok ok ok
Yay, my mom came back! now the baby is awake just in time. i had gaven tessa one and brooke one taffy and at the store they ran out and only and a copple but she will get some more later
Today, i am Babysisting my two year old sister and my 6 month old baby brother. i have made them all breakfest while my mom does some shopping and me fee is candy!!!!! at the store. and my older sister Brooke the one i told you guys about had sleep in late and of course i made her food in bed too!. so i really have nothing else to do but sit around cusse andrew is asleep! (Thank God!) and Tessa is watching a catoon called my little pony???? LOLZ um the only reason i am laughing is my dad made up a new theme song for my little pony like a year after it came out here it goes:"my little pony chewing and boney" LOLZ i cant belive i dont remeber the real versoin! Bye. Wish me luck with my job i get 20 laffy taffys for doing this Brooke doesnt care i dont thnk!. :)
Monday, January 3, 2011
My mondays.
a Few things you might want to know before i tell you my day is I Homeschool!!!!!!! :Wake up time for school my mom said in a cheerfull voice. i think i am NOT ready for another school year i said but i got up anyway and went down stairs and Let me tell you my mom will let you sleep in vary late! :) so i got to the table and sat down as i Remebered that my mom made me frootyloops i was really Greatfull and Sorry when i saw the frootyloops i did not want to make her sad but it was kinda soaky and not krisp and dry.
so i tryed a bite for her sake and it didn't tast that well. so i just sat down and did my math at the table and
mom came in and said "you didn't eat your frootyloops "and i told her my story and she understood.
and i thought i would not desirve any more food and yet she Sliced oranges JUST for me of course Tessa my Little sister tooke i whole half but i did not care and i ate those slices and they were AWSOME sweet. i
saw my mom give Brooke my Older sister somethingelse also But ahhhh i ran out of time Comment if you want more!!!!! ps. i have two step brothers one is matthew one i joshua matt is 11 josh is 15 and i have one real brother his name is andrew he is a baby and i have to other sisters there name are tessa and brooke brooke is 11 tessa is 2 and i have a 39 year old dad and a 36 year old mom i am Lyndi and i am 10!!! Happy new year!.
so i tryed a bite for her sake and it didn't tast that well. so i just sat down and did my math at the table and
mom came in and said "you didn't eat your frootyloops "and i told her my story and she understood.
and i thought i would not desirve any more food and yet she Sliced oranges JUST for me of course Tessa my Little sister tooke i whole half but i did not care and i ate those slices and they were AWSOME sweet. i
saw my mom give Brooke my Older sister somethingelse also But ahhhh i ran out of time Comment if you want more!!!!! ps. i have two step brothers one is matthew one i joshua matt is 11 josh is 15 and i have one real brother his name is andrew he is a baby and i have to other sisters there name are tessa and brooke brooke is 11 tessa is 2 and i have a 39 year old dad and a 36 year old mom i am Lyndi and i am 10!!! Happy new year!.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
YAY! i finely got a post
yay Thanks to KAT i got a good comment! WAHOOOOOOO
Saturday, January 1, 2011
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